October 22, 2024, 11:30 am

Khaleda Zia

High Court will chosse Sunday whether to grant bail of  BNP Chair Person

High Court will choose Sunday on whether to grant bail of  BNP Chair Person and previous Prime Minister Khaleda Zia in a graft case.

On Thursday, Justice M Enayetur Rahim and Justice Shahidul Karim put it on Sunday’s plan after barrier advises conveyed the court’s regard for the issue.

Khaleda has been in prison since Feb 8, when a Dhaka court sentenced for abusing universal gifts implied for a shelter.

The court condemned the BNP Chair Person to five years in jail and slapped a fine of Tk 21.07 million.

After ten days, Khaleda’s lawyers moved the High Court to request against the choice and safeguard after a confirmed duplicate of the trial court’s decision was accessible.

The court said then it will hear the interest and remained the fine.

Be that as it may, it kept the request on safeguard pending and educated the trial court to forward the case archives by 15 days.

On Thursday, Khaleda’s Advocate Jainul Abedin told the court that the 15-day due date has terminated the earlier day. “It’s the sixteenth day.”

The court asked, “We had requested on Feb 22 to send it inside 15 days. Did the archives come in?”

Abedin answered he had no report on the records and argued the court to plan the hearing for the safeguard request.

The court at that point booked Sunday to hear the issue.

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