February 19, 2025, 6:19 am


Whenever an aggrieved party to a mutation case prefers an appeal against the order passed by the A/C land

Section 147 ,  149  and 150 – Whenever an aggrieved party to a mutation case prefers an appeal against the order passed by the A/C land, the former is to be said to have opted appellate route resorting to the provision of section 147 of the Act inasmuch as order passed by the A/C land is the original order and the next orders , which may be passed by collector and, then ,Divisional Commissioner against the original order, are the appellate order/s. And whenever the A/C land is asked by an aggrieved party to a mutation case to reexamine his own order, the moved by the aggrieved party is to be seen  as invocation of his right through the other routs, first approach of the route is under the provisions of section 150 of the Act and, then, next step would fall under the provision of section 149 of the Act – Jahangir Maji vs Government of the people’s republic of Bangladesh  (Spl Original), 67  DLR  (HCD)  (2015)  554.

Section   150 – An aggrieved party to the order of the A/C land, at first, files a review application before the same authority invoking the provisions of section 150 of the Act and, thereafter prefers the appeal before the collector, but the said practice has been going on for years on fallacy, misreading, misconstruction and misconception of the provision of section 147,149 and 150 of the Act,-  Jahangir Maji vs Government of the people’s republic of Bangladesh  (Spl Original), 67  DLR  (HCD)  (2015)  554.

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